Minikeg update

A huge thank you to all of you who have supported us by purchasing beer via our online shop over the past few months.
We wanted to update you all regarding the supply of our minikegs, which were introduced on our online shop in response to the closure of pubs back in March, as a way to make sure you were still able to drink our delicious cask beer at home.
As our wonderful pub customers are now re-opening, we are beginning to find it increasingly difficult to stock our beers in both cask and minikeg. The minikegs were always intended as a temporary measure, and so they are now no longer a product we can guarantee keeping in stock. We believe a hand pulled pint to be the best way to experience our beers in cask, and so we would encourage those of you who feel comfortable to do so to support your local pub, they really do need us now more than ever.
We will ensure our online shop is kept up to date, with any beer that is available once we have fulfilled all cask orders for our pub customers still heading into our lovely little 5L minikegs. If a particular product is out of stock, we will not be able to confirm if and when it will be next be available.
We do have a huge range of beers in can including many of those which were popular in minikeg, so there’s still plenty of opportunity to drink our beers at home if you’re not quite ready to venture out to the pub just yet. Early in lockdown we were fortunate to take delivery of our very own canning line, so rest assured there will always be plenty to choose from!
We also do recognise that there is still some demand for our minikegs, and are looking at ways that we can offer these (especially our flagship beer, Moonshine!) for special occasions, so watch this space!
We will of course continue to try our very best to remain flexible and adaptable, and above all carry on providing the best service we possibly can.
Please keep your orders coming in online, we really do appreciate each and every one!
Team Abbeydale