Meet the Team

Continuing our series where you get to know the people who make up Team Abbeydale, our Marketing Manager Laura has erm… interviewed herself. Bit weird. Enjoy!
First up, the basics! What’s your name and where do you come from?
I’m Laura, and I’m Sheffield born and bred… I moved away for a few years for uni and work, but I’ve never left Yorkshire and I’ve always come back to the steel city!
What is your role at Abbeydale Brewery?
My job title is Marketing & Communications Manager, so mainly I’m the “voice” of the brewery and the person behind our website, social media and newsletters. I work closely with our designer James to organise and plan our artwork and design-based output, and I head up our Quality Control and sensory panel. I also get the opportunity to represent the business at events, which is always very fun!
What’s your favourite beer/beer style and why?
Since pubs re-opened after the pandemic, I’ve gained an ever-deeper love for a pint of well-kept cask, and now seek out a sessionable pale ale in the pub before looking for anything more unusual. Which is especially handy considering our brewers are really good at making them. I also bloody love a shandy, which I’m absolutely counting as a beer style.
What’s your favourite thing about working at Abbeydale Brewery?
My role is incredibly varied – I’ve worked here for almost nine years now and there’s still a surprise around many a corner! Plus, we’re a real team.
Best place to enjoy a pint?
Going to be cheesy and say it’s more about the people you’re with than the place you’re in! Having said that though, Jabbarwocky on London Road is one of my locals and I love going there for a few beers, followed by some dumplings and a White Russian. And The Old Shoe in Sheffield city centre is my favourite new bar – as well as a fantastic beer selection, they position all drinks alongside each other in a way I haven’t seen before and I’m always tempted to try something new, whether that’s a cider, a wine or one of their homemade non-alcoholic shrubs.
Where did you have your first (legal!) pint?
The Fat Cat in Kelham Island. It was my dad’s favourite pub when I was growing up, so it was the obvious place for him to buy me a beer as soon as I turned 18! I worked there for a while as well, I loved chatting to the customers but struggled to reach the pint glasses…
Fries: Bacon or Scampi?
Scampi fries save lives.
On the topic of snacks, my favourite crisps are Spicy Tomato Snaps, and I’m very partial to a pickle.
When you’re not chatting about beer, what do you get up to?
I mean I do do a LOT of chatting about beer… as well as my work here, I’m one of the panellists on local podcast the Sheffield Hopcast, and a fledgling YouTuber where myself and my pal Michael ask “Does it Shandy?” about any and all beer styles! I’m also a member of the British Guild of Beer Writers. Other than that, I’m a keen (if not particularly fast) runner, and love going on outdoor adventures – you’ll often find me at Parkrun on a Saturday morning, and recently I’ve been doing more longer distance trail stuff too. I’ve even signed up to my first ultra marathon for later in the year! It’s something that really helps me find balance and headspace, as well as being a brilliant way of making friends.
And finally… If you were a cartoon character, who would it be?
I’m going to go with the personality of Lisa Simpson combined with the aesthetic of Velma from Scooby Doo.