The Team

As a small business, every member of our tight-knit brewery team is multi-skilled. We love sharing new ideas and are passionate about what we create. As part of Sheffield Beerworks EOT Ltd, each of our team is also a Co-Owner of Abbeydale Brewery too!

Pat has always believed that he can teach anyone to brew and that anyone who wants to learn should be given the chance to do so. Therefore, we have many people in the business who are brewers, taking responsibility for new recipes.

  • DAN BAXTER, Co-Managing Director  at Abbeydale Brewery
    DAN BAXTERCo-Managing Director Dan oversees all the sales and marketing side of the brewery. He's very much the public face of the business so our customers know him well! Dan is also on the board of Trustees of Sheffield Beerworks EOT Ltd.
  • Toby Grattidge, Co-Managing Director at Abbeydale Brewery
    Toby GrattidgeCo-Managing DirectorCo-MD, Operations Director and responsible for heading up our Business Development strategy.
  • Patrick Morton, Director at Abbeydale Brewery
    Patrick MortonDirectorFounder of Abbeydale Brewery. He is also a brewing guru, engineer and mender of anything that goes wrong!
  • SUE MORTON, Director at Abbeydale Brewery
    SUE MORTONDirectorDirector of Abbeydale Brewery. She is also the brewery's IT guru, planner and overseer of all things administrative.
  • JOHN PARKINSON, Production Director at Abbeydale Brewery
    JOHN PARKINSONProduction DirectorA Director of Abbeydale Brewery and Production Manager. John oversees all things brewing from raw materials to the beer leaving the brewery.
  • DAWN MILTON, Accounts at Abbeydale Brewery
    DAWN MILTONAccountsDawn is our Company secretary, and whilst she's not good with words, but she is with figures!
  • Jon Conroy, Director at Abbeydale Brewery
    Jon ConroyDirectorJon is a Director of Abbeydale Brewery, and the chair of the Board of Trustees for Sheffield Beerworks EOT Ltd
  • Mark Garratt, Assistant Production Manager at Abbeydale Brewery
    Mark GarrattAssistant Production Manager
  • JAMIE MEMMOTT, Assistant Production Manager at Abbeydale Brewery
    JAMIE MEMMOTTAssistant Production ManagerOur cold store and cellar manager as well as a brewer! Jamie also runs our canning line. You'll likely find him playing "cold store tetris", or when he's not at the brewery, at a Blades match!
  • Jim Rangeley, Lead Brewer - Funk Dungeon Project at Abbeydale Brewery
    Jim RangeleyLead Brewer - Funk Dungeon ProjectBeer whisperer of our small batch barrel ageing project. Winner of Brewer of the Year 2024 (Brewers Choice Awards). Bassist for a punk covers band (they're big in Belper) and runs literally hundreds of miles for "fun".
  • Christie McIntosh, Quality Manager // Brewery Operative at Abbeydale Brewery
    Christie McIntoshQuality Manager // Brewery OperativeChristie manages our laboratory and is also the employee representative for the manufacturing side of the business, sitting on the Board of Trustees of Sheffield Beerworks EOT Ltd
  • Sam Thruston, Brewery Operative at Abbeydale Brewery
    Sam ThrustonBrewery Operative
  • Ash Sutton, Brewery Operative at Abbeydale Brewery
    Ash SuttonBrewery Operative
  • Thom Williams, Brewery Operative at Abbeydale Brewery
    Thom WilliamsBrewery Operative
  • Dan Stamp, Brewery Operative at Abbeydale Brewery
    Dan StampBrewery Operative
  • Sooz Enticknap, Financial Controller at Abbeydale Brewery
    Sooz EnticknapFinancial ControllerPreviously from The Rising Sun, Sooz has now joined us here at Abbeydale HQ!
  • Laura Rangeley, Marketing & Communications Manager at Abbeydale Brewery
    Laura RangeleyMarketing & Communications ManagerIf you have messaged us on social media, you've spoken to Laura. It's likely that if she isn't here, she's out running, either to or from a pub. Causes shandy based controversy on a regular basis. Property of Tosin the cat
  • ETHNA WILD, Sales Representative at Abbeydale Brewery
    ETHNA WILDSales RepresentativeA member of the sales team since 2011, Ethna's Irish lilt is very well known to our pub customers!
  • ROBIN BAKER, Export manager at Abbeydale Brewery
    ROBIN BAKERExport managerRobins roles at the brewery are many, varied and seemingly ever growing, but lately his focus has been on export, sending our beer to Italy, Finland, Sweden and Spain, with several more countries soon to come!
  • Mick Williams, Sales Representative at Abbeydale Brewery
    Mick WilliamsSales RepresentativeMick always keeps the office smiling, and personally knows more pubs and publicans than any other single human being on the planet.
  • Sam Webber, Sales Representative at Abbeydale Brewery
    Sam WebberSales RepresentativeWhen Sam isn't championing Abbeydale beer across the length and breadth of the country, he's probably surfing, golfing, or possibly drinking Heathen!
  • Edd Entwistle, Online Sales Manager at Abbeydale Brewery
    Edd EntwistleOnline Sales Manager[email protected]Having previously been a brewer and publican, Edd joined us in 2020 as a part time delivery driver, and we wouldn't let him leave! His dog Digby has won the Rising Sun beer festival dog show a record two times, and his other dog Kipper is really good at sitting
  • James Murphy, Designer at Abbeydale Brewery
    James MurphyDesignerJames is the award winning designer behind the branding on our beers, packaging and merchandise. You can see more of his artwork at
  • RICHARD HALL, Delivery Driver at Abbeydale Brewery
    RICHARD HALLDelivery DriverRichard joined the Abbeydale team back in 2010, and as a result can tell you the intricacies of nearly every pub drop in South Yorkshire and beyond.
  • Aaron Worsfold, Delivery Driver at Abbeydale Brewery
    Aaron WorsfoldDelivery DriverAaron loves two things in this world, chewing gum and delivering beer, and he's all out of gum.
  • Ross Denny, Delivery Driver at Abbeydale Brewery
    Ross DennyDelivery Driver
  • STEVE Hammond, Delivery driver & repairman at Abbeydale Brewery
    STEVE HammondDelivery driver & repairmanTwo time world parallel parking champion and keen yogi, if Steves not delivering the beer he's fixing the equipment which allows beer delivery to occur!
  • Jonathon Lester, Delivery driver at Abbeydale Brewery
    Jonathon LesterDelivery driverWhen not delivering beer, likes drinking it! Despite doing a physical job, when not at work Jono's likely to be found at the gym, or playing the drums.
  • Pete Withers, Delivery driver at Abbeydale Brewery
    Pete WithersDelivery driverA seasoned gig goer and veteran of many careers, Pete's roads have always led to beer!
  • About Us

    A true Sheffield institution founded in 1996 and employee owned since 2024, Abbeydale Brewery blends heritage and tradition with creativity and innovation, showcasing these values across an unparalleled range of beers.

    Abbeydale Brewery brochure

  • Contact Us

    Abbeydale Brewery Ltd
    Unit 8, Aizlewood Road
    S8 0YX
    Telephone: 0114 281 2712
    Email: [email protected]


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