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Meet the Team

Next in our series of introducing you to our team, here’s our Ops Director Toby to continue spreading the gospel of well kept cask and the benefits of mild!

First up, the basics! What’s your name and where do you come from?

Toby Grattidge, and I’m from a little village called Tarleton, between Southport and Preston

What is your role at Abbeydale Brewery?

Operations Director – basically anything financey, spreadsheety or businessy.  As well as being on the beer tasting panel. Smiley face.

What’s your favourite beer style and why?

As anyone who follows our social knows, I’m a founding member of the ABMAS (editor’s note, that’ll be the Abbeydale Brewery Mild Appreciation Society!).  Also love a well balanced West Coast IPA, and something low ABV but really well hopped – session NEIPAs really.  Plus any good cask in a pub over a Sunday Roast, preferably with an open fire. Also can’t not mention Last Rites – absolutely iconic beer.

What’s your favourite thing about working at Abbeydale Brewery?

The beer and the people.  Abbeydale were my favourite brewery long before I worked here, and it’s so refreshing working with people who love what they do.  We also get to make whatever beer the staff want to – I even got my Mild this year.

Best place to enjoy a pint?

Favourite pub in the world, I could probably narrow it down to about 100 if I tried hard, but I’ll name check the Rising Sun Fulwood (my last local) and the Waggon and Horses in Millhouses (my current local).  It’s entirely possible my first criteria when moving somewhere is a good ale pub.

Where did you have your first (legal!) pint?

The Coronation in Southport, favourite haunt in my college days. Recently closed, which was so sad.

Favourite snack to enjoy alongside a beer?

A handmade pork pie, Wateralls in the Moor Market do a great one.  Had Pate de Campagne in France recently too and that was great.

Outside of beer, what do you get up to?

Often found playing or coaching football, enjoy a good history book, and spending time with my kids. If I ever get the time I’ll take up making charcuterie.

Who’s your hero?

Anthony Bourdain, if you don’t know, find out.

And finally… If you were a cartoon character, who would it be?

Peter Griffin.

If you’d like to find out more about Toby’s journey into beer, particularly in terms of cask ale and his top tips for looking after it, head to this piece here!

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Nelson Pale

We’ve got a new collaboration available now!

You may remember that back in autumn 2023, we were privileged to be invited to take part in Collabageddon, a wonderful celebration of our beery community organised by Elusive Brewing. And for our “away” leg, we were paired up with absolute lager masters Utopian, visiting their state-of-the-art brewery near Exeter to be guided through our first ever decoction mash, creating a magnificent (if we do say so ourselves) Nelson Sauvin single hopped lager.

Well, we’re excited to say that we have now got the “home” leg under our belts too! In a reflection of what we brewed together last year, we decided to stick with the same ABV and hop, and go for the style we’re best known for here at Abbeydale Brewery, just as we did by creating a lager at Utopian’s place.

And so, we’re thrilled to introduce Nelson Pale, a 5.2% single hopped pale ale which features the glorious Nelson Sauvin hop in whole cone, T90 and Cryo form. Using the same hop in three ways enabled us to make full use of our brewkit, including our traditional hopback where the hop flowers were infused into the beer – a heritage technique that was pretty novel for team Utopian!

The brewday also just so happened to fall on the 16th August, our brewery birthday! So we decided having Jeremy, Ben and Richard from Team Utopian with us was the perfect way to celebrate and declared collaboration day our birthday party. The night before we were able to show them the sights of Sheffield, with the Bath Hotel being a fantastic venue for pints and the Crucible causing much excitement as a tourist attraction!

And as for the beer itself – bold and hop forward, expect tropical fruit, citrus and hints of elderflower on the nose, followed by a smooth body and a crisp, clean bitter finish. It’s also vegan friendly and gluten free, and is available in cask, keg and can (including from our online shop).

Thanks again to Andy from Elusive for pairing us up with Utopian and demonstrating the spirit of collaboration that’s so important to our industry – it’s a privilege to have made such excellent new pals (and two beautiful beers) as a result.


  • About Us

    A true Sheffield institution founded in 1996, Abbeydale Brewery blends heritage and tradition with creativity and innovation, showcasing these values across an unparalleled range of beers.

    Abbeydale Brewery brochure

  • Contact Us

    Abbeydale Brewery Ltd
    Unit 8, Aizlewood Road
    S8 0YX
    Telephone: 0114 281 2712
    Email: [email protected]


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