It’s time to meet another of the lovely bunch that make up Team Abbeydale, and it’s the turn of Robin, who this week celebrates his 10th anniversary of working here… a whole decade! Happy Brewery Birthday, Robin – we’re very lucky to have you!
First up, the basics! What’s your name and where do you come from?
My name is Robin, and I was born and bred in this fair city we call home.
What is your role at Abbeydale Brewery?
Now that’s a good question! How long have you got?! Having initially joined as a member of the sales team, my role has evolved over the years. I’m now the Export Manager, and amongst other things I am responsible for the monthly duty return, sales analysis, cellar technical support, delivery logistics and a whole host of other things!
What’s your favourite beer style and why?
It genuinely depends what mood I’m in, but I love hoppy pale beers in cask, German lagers and mixed fermented beers. Partial to a good stout now and then too! Particular favourites are Augustiner Helles, Saison DuPont and Fyne Ales Jarl.
What’s your favourite thing about working at Abbeydale Brewery?
After ten years of working here, it’s clear that it’s the people. It really feels like a family, and the fact that a good third of our workforce have been here longer than me speaks volumes.
Favourite pub in the world?
I would have to say The Crow, Sheffield. Perfect mix of traditional pub with an unbelievable rotating keg and bottle offering. The Schneider Weisse tap in the middle of Munich is pretty special too.
Where did you have your first (legal!) pint?
Pale Rider in the Fat Cat on my 18th birthday. Was at the time the Champion Beer of Britain, so it felt quite appropriate.
Favourite snack to enjoy alongside a beer?
Definitely Scampi > Bacon in the fries wars, but Jalapeño Snyders pretzel pieces beat all.
When you’re not busy exporting beer, what do you get up to?
I trained as a musician, and haven’t completely given up hope of being a rock star at some point in the future 😉 I still play with various bands, and have been excited to be back in the studio recently with Dead Like Harry. I also love spending time with my family, and my two boys keep me hands full! I’ve been known on occasion to frequent Hillsborough to cheer on the Owls although not so frequently since the family came along!
Who’s your hero?
Dave Grohl, without doubt. Getting to see the Foos play again in a few weeks time, can’t wait!
And finally… If you were a cartoon character, who would it be?
I was once described in a review as looking like Animal from the Muppets whilst I was on stage, but I know the Muppets aren’t technically a cartoon, and also Animal plays the drums not the bass! I do love SpongeBob though, and South Park. Maybe Randy Marsh is my hero… 😉