For this year’s Funk Fest, we wanted to add something a little bit different and a little extra to the Sunday session of the festival. And so we will be running a funky home brew competition, with an amazing range of beery treats to be won… the overall prize being to brew your beer to a commercial brew length here at Abbeydale Brewery with Lead Brewer of the Funk Dungeon project, Jim Rangeley!
We will be looking for beers using alternative yeast strains such as Kveik, Brett, mixed fermentation beers, with Lactobacillus alongside the primary yeast, or maybe even full spontaneous! This is up to you.
We are encouraging everyone who wants to to get involved no matter their skill level or equipment size, full grain, brew in bag, or extract brewing. Fruited beers, gruits, braggots and so on all welcome. As long as it fits into one of the categories outlined below then we are happy!
To enter, please send your name, the category/categories you would like to enter and a brief descriptor of the beer(s) you will be entering to [email protected].
All entrants will receive one guestlist place to Funk Fest Sunday 8th September, which will be the day of judging. We would then ask that you bring the beers you have submitted along with you to the festival where they will be collected upon arrival (please contact us if you would prefer to make other arrangements).
All email entries must be received by 2nd September 2019.
We will need at least 1.5l of bottled beer clearly labelled with your details and the category that you wish to enter as well as adjuncts, ABV and style.
As the overall winning beer will be brewed on a commercial scale we will need all the brew information, ingredients/brewhouse process/ fermentation schedule, as this will form part of the decision for overall winner. This can be submitted separately to the bottle but it must be clearly linked with the bottle submissions. (Of course, this will only be used for beer judging purposes and to help us to jointly formulate the full recipe with you should you win. It will remain entirely your intellectual property!)
Maximum of one submission per category and three submissions in total.
There will be prizes per category, but the final winner of the competition will be the beer judged overall to be the best on the day with consideration taken for the one that is most commercially viable for our production brewhouse.
The Categories:
Kettle Soured Beer – Soured with a Lactobacillus strain of your choosing, then pasteurised before primary fermentation with Saccharomyces or Brettanomyces.
Brett Beer – Fully fermented with Brett strains, or primary with Sacch then finished with Brett in secondary/ bottling, but no bacteria, just yeasts.
Mixed Fermentation Sour Beer – Co-fermented with multiple strains of yeast and bacteria. Feel free to ferment in a vessel of your choice, including in wood or with chips. Acidity is important for this category.
Saison – Highly attenuated, could be mixed fermentation, could be single strain, could be spiced/hopped/ fruited… or none of the above! Lack of a lot of acidity is important here.
If you have any questions please send us an email to [email protected] or tweet @abbeydalefunk.
We look forward to receiving your entries!